The final meeting of the CULPOL project

11 June 2018

IRMO Library

The final meeting of the CULPOL project was held on the 11 June 2018 at the premises of IRMO gathering cultural policy researchers, cultural professionals, cultural civil society representatives and policy-makers in the field of culture.

The main aim of the final meeting was to present the project’s results and realized activities, and to discuss with CULPOL project stakeholders project outputs and the possible future collaborations within the framework of cultural policies. The event served as an opportunity to promote the special issue of the scientific journal Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR) entitled ‘European Union and Challenges of Cultural Policies: Critical Perspectives’ (Vol. 24 No. 82) published within the framework of CULPOL project.

After the welcome notes, the working part of the meeting started with an overview of the CULPOL project’s activities where CULPOL project coordinator, Dr Aleksandra Uzelac presented the general framework of the CULPOL project, its key objectives, excepted impacts and realised activities. Throughout the two years of its activities, the project contributed to enhancing the knowledge about the impact of the EU policies and its processes on the national cultural sector and created synergies between national and EU stakeholders in the domain of culture. All the planned project activities have been realized according to the initial plan, including: two major international events, three stakeholders group meetings, and a number of supporting meetings and events, and a number of analytic outputs have been published on the CULPOL website.

One of CULPOL’s final outputs was the publication of the special issue of the scientific journal Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR) entitled ‘European Union and Challenges of Cultural Policies: Critical Perspectives’ (Vol. 24 No. 82) and as a part of the project wrap up, this event served as an opportunity to promote this special issue, and highlight its contributions.

Dr Senada Šelo Šabić, Editor in Chief, CIRR, and guest editors Dr Jaka Primorac, Dr Aleksandra Uzelac and Dr Paško Bilić as well as special issue authors Dr Goran Tomka, Dr Višnja Kisić from Serbia, and Dr Andrej Srakar from Slovenia gathered to talk and share thoughts about their contributions to this special issue.

The meeting was concluded with a dynamic discussion with the stakeholders about their cooperation within the CULPOL project and about the opportunities that the project has opened for further collaboration.

Read more about the final meeting in our report. 

The final meeting presentation (in Croatian)

Final meeting programme 

Lecture on ‘Internet Monopolies and Redistribution of Digital Wealth’ held in Zagreb, Croatia

Within the Third Stakeholders Group Meeting of the Jean Monnet project ‘EU Competencies and National Cultural Policies: Critical Dialogues’ (CULPOL), Dr Paško Bilić from the Department for Culture and Communication, IRMO and Dr Krešimir Krolo from the Department of Sociology, University of Zadar held an interesting lecture and discussion entitled ‘Internet Monopolies and Redistribution of Digital Wealth’ at the Multimedia institute MaMa in Zagreb on 24th May 2018.

The video lecture is available on the following link:

The lecture was organised by the Department for Culture and Communication of the Institute for Development and International Relations (IRMO) in cooperation with the Media Sociology Section of the Croatian Sociological Association within the Jean Monnet project ‘EU Competencies and National Cultural Policies: Critical Dialogues’ (CULPOL).

Below you can find photos from the lecture.

Save the date! Final meeting of the CULPOL project “EU Competencies and National Cultural Policies: Critical Dialogues”

Throughout the two years of its activities, the primary aim of the project ‘EU Competences and National Cultural Policies: Critical Dialogues’ (September 2016 –August 2018) was to promote discussion and reflection on the impact of the EU agenda on the Croatian cultural policy. The project contributed to enhancing knowledge about the impact of the EU policies and its processes on the national cultural sector and created synergies between national and EU stakeholders in the domain of culture. All the planned project activities have been realized according to the initial plan. Two major international events, three stakeholders group meetings, and a number of supporting meetings and events have been organized, and a number of analytic outputs have been published on the website.

The final meeting of the CULPOL project is planned to be held on 11th June 2018 at the Library of the Institute of Development and International Relations (IRMO) in Zagreb. One of CULPOL’s final outputs is the publication of the special issue of the scientific journal Croatian International Relations Review (CIRR) entitled ‘European Union and Challenges of Cultural Policies: Critical Perspectives’ (Vol. 24 No. 83). As part of the project wrap up, this event will serve as an opportunity to promote the special issue, highlight its contributions and present the results of the project.

Draft version of the CULPOL final meeting.

Stay tuned for more information on the articles and the content of the special issue!

Find out more about the focus of the CIRR special issue at: https//

Other materials:

Report_CULPOL Final meeting

The International Round Table on Digital Single Market and Its Impact on Culture and Media in Croatia held in Zagreb

After two days of successful international round table “Digital Single Market and Its Impact on Culture and Media in Croatia”, held on 19 and 20 April 2018 in Zagreb, Croatia, we are pleased to provide you with audio-visual materials, detailed CULPOL round table report and other working materials.

The international round table offered a rich and dynamic programme, which created an environment for very fruitful discussions. It successfully tackled the multi-layered issues of DSM’s institutional and regulatory aspects, online platforms and media sustainability, copyright, authors’ and users’ interests, as well as the role of heritage in balancing culture and economy, thus affirming the need and desire to promote such dialogue within the EU.

Detailed CULPOL round table report (in English)

Audio materials: 

Moderator: Dr Aleksandra Uzelac, IRMO

Moderator: Dr Jaka Primorac, IRMO

Moderator: Dr Paško Bilić, IRMO

Moderator: Professor Romana Matanovac Vučković, Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb

Moderator: Dr Koraljka Kuzman Šlogar, Institute for Ethnology and Folklore Research

Other materials:


Round table reader

Below you can find pictures from the two days of panels and welcome event held on the first day.

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Video address by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society

After two days of successful international round table “Digital Single Market and Its Impact on Culture and Media in Croatia”, held on 19 and 20 April 2018 in Zagreb, Croatia, we are pleased to provide you with a video address by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society, streamed before the Introductory Panel “Digital Single Market and Its Impact on Culture and Media: Institutional and Regulatory Aspects”. The video is available on the following link: Mariya Gabriel

Detailed CULPOL round table report (in English)

Other materials:


Round table reader

Round Table Programme and Reader are available online

We are delighted to announce that the final programme of the international round table “Digital Single Market and Its Impact on Culture and Media in Croatia” as well as the Round Table Reader are now available online.

We have prepared a very rich and dynamic programme that will take place on 19th and 20th April at the Council Room at the Faculty of Law, University of Zagreb.

The round table will place emphasis on the changes that the Digital Single Market (DSM) strategy brings to the cultural and media sector in Croatia. By gathering researchers, cultural professionals and policy-makers, the round table will promote focused thematic discussions, which will concentrate on the contextualization of the DSM strategy for culture and the media in the EU.

The registrations start on Thursday, 19th April at 2 pm. The programme which starts at 3 pm will be open by Dr Nina Obuljen Koržinek, Minister of Culture of the Republic of Croatia.

Video address by Mariya Gabriel, European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society will be streamed before the Introductory Panel “Digital Single Market and Its Impact on Culture and Media: Institutional and Regulatory Aspects”. In this session Ms. Anja Jelavić, Head of the International Cultural Cooperation and European Affairs Sector of the Croatian Ministry of Culture and Mr. Božo Zeba, Acting deputy secretary of state at Central State Office for Development of Digital Society will present initiatives being developed by Croatian policy makers concerning DSM reform in Croatia.

The first Panel – “Online Platforms and Media Sustainability in Democratic Societies” will discuss how online platforms influence local media and communication industries in a political, cultural and economic sense. In particular, the panel will focus on the impact of online platforms on digital advertising, media sustainability, market competition and media pluralism, and will discuss public subsidies for media industries and citizens’ alternatives to market driven frameworks. This panel will gather: Mr Damir Hajduk, President, Electronic Media Council; Mr Božidar Abramović, Omnicom Media Grupa and Croatian Association of Communications Agencies (HURA); Dr Paško Bilić, IRMO, Mr Ante Pavić, Forum TM, non-profit media; and Mr Saša Leković, President, Croatian Journalists’ Association.

On Friday, 20th April at 10 am the introductory keynote lecture about the challenges posed by the Digital Single Market framework entitled “Culture and the (New) Single Market: Reproducing Regimes of Dominance or Rebooting the New Europe?” will be given by Professor Katharine Sarikakis from the Department of Communication, University of Vienna.

Having in mind the context of small EU countries like Croatia, the European tradition of the protection of authors’ rights, the changing role of collective management organizations (CMOs), the rights of users to access culture, etc., the second panel – Copyright, Authors’ and Users’ Interests: How to Foster Creativity? will question whether the DSM reform brings benefits for the cultural and media sectors or primarily for the ‘big players’ in the field of creative economy. This panel will bring together in conversation Croatian and European experts: Dr Maja Bogataj Jančič, Intellectual Property Institute, Slovenia; Dr Simone Schroff, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam; Mr Antun Tomislav Šaban, Croatian Composers’ Society; and Mr Hrvoje Hribar, Board Member, Federation of European Directors (FERA).

Panel 3 – Striking the Balance Between Culture and Economy: What Role for Heritage? will emphasize some important questions concerning the cultural heritage sector: What would be an adequate conceptualisation of IPR in the digital age that would ensure the preservation of the robust public domain and the users’ rights from the analogue age, taking into account that the right to obtain and share knowledge and the right to create and re-create are central to the survival of any culture and our cultural memory? Will the education and the heritage sector be able to take real advantage from the opportunities presented by the environment of digital networks? This panel will gather: Mr Harry Verwayen, Acting Executive Director, Europeana Foundation; Ms Goranka Horjan, Etnographic Museum; Dr Vlatka Lemić, Croatian State Archives; and Professor Marianne Ping Huang, Aarhus University.

The round table is organized within the framework of activities of the Jean Monnet project entitled EU Competences and National Cultural Policies: Critical Dialogues (2016-2018), which aims to promote discussion and reflection on the impact of the EU agenda on the Croatian cultural policy.

Please see the Round Table Reader to find out more about the speakers, their interventions and conference’s events.

CULPOL Final Round Table Programme

Looking forward in seeing you at the conference!

Other materials:
