The fourth issue paper ‘The Place and Role of Culture in the EU Agenda. Policy Implications of the Culture Sub-programme of the Creative Europe Programme’ written by Jaka Primorac, Nina Obuljen Koržinek and Aleksandra Uzelac is now available for download from the CULPOL website. Following short analysis of the changing European Union’s discourse pertaining to culture and media sectors, authors analyse wider policy context of the Culture Sub-programme of the Creative Europe Programme adopted in 2013. The analysis approaches the subject from two main angles; firstly, reviewing the policy architecture of the Programme and its feasibility; and secondly, focusing on the terms of the stakeholders’ agreements.
This issue paper is available for download from the following CULPOL link:
CULPOL ISSUE PAPER 4 – The Place and Role of Culture in the EU Agenda. Policy Implications of the Culture Sub-programme of the Creative Europe Programme / Položaj i uloga kulture u Agendi EU. Policy implikacije potprograma Kultura u programu Kreativna Europa by Jaka Primorac, Nina Obuljen Koržinek and Aleksandra Uzelac, IRMO, Zagreb, December 2017. Language: Croatian with English summary.