Na ovoj poveznici biti će dostupna lista raznorodnih studija, izvještaja, istraživačkih članaka i ostalih materijala koji se bave temama relevantnim za CULPOL projekt. CULPOL knjižnica će se redovno ažurirati.
Medijske i kulturne politike
- Access to culture – policy analysis: final report (2014) Vienna: EDUCULT. Dostupno na:
- Bamford, A., and Wimmer, M. (2012) Audience building and the future Creative Europe Programme. European Expert Network on Culture – EENC Short Report. Dostupno na:
- Barnett, C. (2001) Culture, Policy and Subsidiarity in the European Union: From Symbolic Identity to the Governmentalisation of Culture. Political Geography, 20 (4), 405-426. Dostupno na:,_policy_and_subsidiarity_in_the_EU.pdf
- Bilić, P. i Švob-Đokić, N. (2016) The pendulum model of Croatian media policy: digitalisation between public interests and market competition. European Journal of Communication 31(5): 503-518.
- Breznik, M. (2004) Cultural Revisionism. Culture Between Neo-liberalism and Social Responsibility. Ljubljana: Peace Institute. Dostupno na:
- Bruell, C. (2013) Creative Europe 2014–2020. A New Programme – A New Cultural Policy as Well? Stuttgart and Berlin: Institute for Foreign Cultural Relations. Dostupno na:
- Di Federico, E. et al. (2013) Governance of Culture – Promoting Access to Culture. Background Paper for the Council of Europe Conference of Ministers of Culture. Dostupno na:
- Dragičević, Š., M. and Mihaljinac N. (2016) Higher Education and Training in Cultural Management and Cultural Policies in Southern Mediterranean Countries. Med-Culture Programme. Dostupno na:
- Duxbury, N., Hosagrahar, J. and Pascual, J. (2016) Why must culture be at the heart of sustainable urban development? Barcelona: Agenda 21 for culture – Committee on culture of United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG). Dostupno na:
- Gattinger, M. (2011) Democratization of Culture, Cultural Diplomacy and Governance. In: The Canadian Public Arts Funders (CPAF) Annual General Meeting, Future Directions in Public Arts Funding: What Are The Shifts Required?, November 16-18 2011, Whitehorse, Yukon. Dostupno na:
- Jehan, A. (2012) Culture as a key factor within Western societies and a political tool for the European Union. Cultural Diplomacy Research. Dostupno na:
- Kaufmann, T., and G. Raunig. (2002) Anticipating European Cultural Policies. Vienna: European Institute for Progressive Cultural Policy. Dostupno na:
- KEA (2006) The Study on the Economy of Culture in Europe. Brussels: The European Commission, Directorate General for Education and Culture. Dostupno na:
- KEA European Affairs (2012) Use of Structural Funds for Cultural Projects. Brussels: European Parliament’s Committee on Culture and Education. Dostupno na:
- KEA European Affairs (2015) The Smart-Guide to Creative Spill-overs. Dostupno na:
- Lisack, G. (2014) European External Cultural Relations: Paving New Ways? Stuttgard and Brussels: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen and MORE EUROPE. Dostupno na:
- Matarasso, F., and Landry, Ch. (1999) Balancing Act: Twenty – One Strategic Dilemmas in Cultural Policy. Brussels: Council of Europe. Dostupno na:
- Menger, P.M. (2010) ‘Cultural Policies in Europe. From a State to a City-Centered Perspective on Cultural Generativity’. National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Japan. Dostupno na:
- Mercer, C., Obuljen, N., Primorac, J., and Uzelac, A. (2012) The Culture Strand of the Creative Europe Programme 2014-2020. Note. Strasbourg: European Parliament. Dostupno na:
- Mokre, M. (2006) European Cultural Policies and European Democracy. The Journal of Arts, Management, Law, and Society, 35 (4). Dostupno na:
- Obuljen, N. (2006) Why We Need European Cultural Policies: The Impact of EU Enlargement on Cultural Policies in Transition Countries. Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation. Dostupno na:
- Popović, H. et al. (2010) Background information report. Media policies and regulatory practices in a selected set of European countries, the EU and the Council of Europe: The case of Croatia. MEDIADEM project report (European Commission – FP7 programme). Dostupno na:
- Primorac, J. (2007) The Position of Cultural Workers in Creative Industries. The South-eastern European Perspective. Amsterdam: European Cultural Foundation. Dostupno na:
- Sacco, P. L. (2011) Culture 3.0: A new perspective for the EU 2014-2020 structural funds programming. OMC Working Group on Cultural and Creative Industries. European Expert Network on Culture. Dostupno na:
- Sarikakis, K. (2005) Defending communicative spaces: the remits and limits of the European Parliament. Gazette: The International Journal for Communication Studies 67 (2): 155–172. Dostupno na:
- Sarikakis, K. ed. (2007) Media and Cultural Policy in the European Union. European Studies: An Interdisciplinary Series in European Culture, History and Politics. Amsterdam, New York: Editions Rodopi, Vol. 24. Dostupno na:
- Saukkonen, P. and Ruusuvirta, M. (2012) Reveries and Realities – Recent Developments in Finnish Urban Cultural Policy. Nordisk kulturpolitisk tidsskrift / The Nordic Journal of Cultural Policy (2). Dostupno na:
- Schlesinger, P. (2009) Cultural and communications policy and the stateless nation. Catalan Journal of Communication and Cultural Studies, 1(1), 9-14. Dostupno na:
- Schlesinger, P. (2009) The politics of cultural policy. Litteraria Pragensia: Studies in Literature & Culture, 19 (38), 75-89. Dostupno na:
- Schlesinger, P. (2015) Some reflections on ‘Creative Europe’. CulturalBase. Dostupno na:
- Schlesinger, P. (2016) The creative economy: invention of a global orthodoxy. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research. Dostupno na:
- Švob-Đokić, N., Bilić, P. i Peruško, Z. (2011) Does media policy promote media freedom and independence? The case of Croatia. MEDIADEM project case study report. Dostupno na:
- Venturelli, S. (2000) From the Information Economy to the Creative Economy: Moving Culture to the Center of International Public Policy. Washington: The Center for Arts and Culture. Dostupno na:
- Vickery, J. (2007) The Emergence of Culture-led Regeneration: A Policy concept and its discontents. Warwick: Centre for Cultural Policy Studies. Dostupno na:
- Arts Council England, ECCE, Creative England, ECBN, ECF (2015) Cultural and creative spillovers in Europe: Report on a preliminary evidence review. Dostupno na:
- Bilić, P., Balabanić, I., Primorac, J., Jurlin, K. i Eterović, R. (2017) Analiza tržišta elektroničkih publikacija. Dostupno na:
- Civil Society Platform on Access to Culture (2009) Access to Culture. Policy Guidelines. Brussels: European Commission. Dostupno na:
- Council of Europe (2013) Cultural Policies in Times of Change. Findings of the survey in preparation for the Moscow Conference of Ministers of Culture. Dostupno na:
- Council of the European Union – Open Method of Coordination (2012) Report on policies and good practices in the public arts and in cultural institutions to promote better access to and wider participation in culture. Brussels: EU. Dostupno na:
- Council of the European Union (2011) Council conclusions on the contribution of culture to the implementation of the ”Europe 2020” strategy. In: 3090th Education, Youth, Culture and Sport Council meeting, May 19-20 2011, Brussels, Belgium. Dostupno na:
- Council of the European Union (2014) Council conclusions on participatory governance of cultural heritage. Brussels: EU. Dostupno na:
- European Agenda for Culture (2014) Report on the role of public arts and cultural institutions in the promotion of cultural diversity and intercultural dialogue, Work Plan for Culture 2011-2014. Brussels: EU. Dostupno na:
- European Commission – Open Method of Coordination (2015) Feasibility study on data collection and analysis in the cultural and creative sectors in the EU. Brussels: EU. Dostupno na:
- European Commission (2007) Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on a European Agenda for Culture in a Globalizing World. Brussels, COM (2007) 242 final. Dostupno na:
- European Commission (2010a) Communication from the Commission: Europe 2020: A Strategy for Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth. Brussels, 3.3.2010, COM (2010) 2020 final. Dostupno na:
- European Commission (2010b) Green Paper. Unlocking the Potential of Cultural and Creative Industries. Brussels: COM (2010). Dostupno na:
- European Commission (2011)The New Renaissance. Report of the ‘Comité des Sages’ Reflection Group on Bringing Europe’s Cultural Heritage Online. Dostupno na:
- European Commission (2011c) Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Creative Europe – A New Framework Programme for the Cultural and Creative Sectors (2014-2020). Brussels, 23.11.2011, COM (2011) 786 final. Dostupno na:
- European Commission (2013) Special Eurobarometer 399. Cultural Access and participation. Dostupno na:
- European Commission (2017) Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. Strengthening European Identity through Education and Culture. The European Commission’s contribution to the Leaders’ meeting in Gothenburg, 17 November 2017. Dostupno na:
- European Commission Directorate General for Research & Innovation (2012) The Development of European Identity/identities: Unfinished Business. A Policy Review. Dostupno na:
- European Parliament and the Council (2013) Regulation (EU) No 1295/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 11 December 2013 establishing the Creative Europe Programme (2014 to 2020) and Repealing Decisions No 1718/2006/EC, No 1855/2006/EC and No 1041/2009/EC Text with EEA relevance. Dostupno na:
- European Statistical System Network on Culture – ESSnet-Culture (2012) ESSnet-Culture Final Report. Luxembourg: European Commission, Eurostat. Dostupno na:
- European Task Force on Culture and Development (1997) In from the Margins: A contribution to the debate on culture and development in Europe. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. Dostupno na:
- European Union – Open Method of Coordination (2014a) Report On the Role of Public Arts and Cultural Institutions in the Promotion of Cultural Diversity and Intercultural Dialogue. Dostupno na:
- European Union – Open Method of Coordination (2014b) Policy Handbook on Promotion of Creative Partnerships. Dostupno na:
- European Union (2016)Towards more Efficient Financial Ecosystems. Innovative Instruments to Facilitate Access to Finance for the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS): Good Practice Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union. Dostupno na:
- European Union National Institutes for Culture and University of Sienna (2016) Cultural Diplomacy as Discipline and Practice: Concepts, Training, And Skills. Final report. Dostupno na:
- Evans, G.; and Shaw, P. (2014) The Contribution of Culture to Regeneration in the UK: A Review of Evidence. A report to the Department for Culture Media and Sport, London, London Metropolitan University. Dostupno na:
- EY (2014) Creating growth: Measuring cultural and creative markets in the EU. Dostupno na:
- EY (2015) Cultural times: The first global map of cultural and creative industries. Dostupno na:
- Isar, Y.R., et al. (2014) Preparatory Action ‘Culture in EU External Relations’. Engaging the World: Towards Global Cultural Citizenship. Brussels: European Union. Dostupno na:
- Katunarić, V. and Cvjetičanin, B. (ed.) (2003) Hrvatska u 21.stoljeću: Strategija kulturnog razvitka. Dokument, Zagreb: Ministarstvo kulture. Dostupno na:
- More Europe (2014) Engaging the World: towards global cultural citizenship. Preparatory Action Culture in EU External Relations. Final report. Dostupno na:
- UNDP, UNESCO (2013) Creative Economy Report: Widening local development pathways. Dostupno na:
- UNDP/UNCTAD (2008) Creative Economy Report 2008. The Challenge of Assessing the Creative Economy. Towards Informed Policy-making. Geneva: UNCTAD. Dostupno na:
- UNDP/UNCTAD (2010) Creative Economy Report 2010. A Feasible Development Option. Geneva: UNCTAD. Dostupno na:
- UNESCO (1976) Recommendation on Participation by the People at Large in Cultural Life and their Contribution to It. Dostupno na:
- UNESCO (1982) Mexico City Declaration on Cultural Policies. World Conference on Cultural Policies. Dostupno na:
- UNESCO (2005) Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. Dostupno na:
- UNESCO (2011) Culture and Development. Report of the Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. U: A/66/187. Dostupno na:
- UNESCO (2011) UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity. Dostupno na:
- United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (2009) General comment no. 21. Right of everyone to take part in cultural life (art. 15, para. 1a of the International Convenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights). U: E/C.12/GC/21. Dostupno na:
- United Nations General Assembly (1976) International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Dostupno na:
Lokalne kulturne politike i Europska prijestolnica kulture (EPK)
- Cox, T. and Garcia, B. (2013) European Capitals of Culture: success, strategies and long-term effects. Brussels: European Parliament. Dostupno na:
- European Cultural Foundation (2015) Build the City: Perspectives on commons and culture. Amsterdam: ECF. Dostupno na:
- European Cultural Foundation (2016) Build the City Manifesto. Amsterdam: ECF. Dostupno na:
- Green, S. (2017) Capitals of Culture: An Introductory Survey of a Worldwide Activity. A Prasino report. Dostupno na:
- Hervé, J. et al. (2013) European Cities and Cultural Mobility – Trends and Support Actions. EUROCITIES. Dostupno na:
- Immler, Nicole L., Sakkers, H. (2014) (Re)Programming Europe: European Capitals of Culture: rethinking the role of culture. Journal of European Studies, 44 (1), 3–29. Dostupno na:
- European Economic and Social Committee (2016) Culture, Cities and Identity in Europe. Dostupno na:
- Selection of the European Capital of Culture in 2020 in Croatia. The Selection Panel’s Final Report (2016) Brussels: European Commission. Dostupno na:
Digitalna kultura i jedinstveno digitalno tržište
- Feijoo, C. et al. (2013) Public and Commercial Models of Access in the Digital Era. Strasbourg: European Parliament, Directorate General for Internal Policies, Policy Department B: Structural and Cohesion Policies, Culture and Education. Dostupno na:
- Mazziotti, G. (2013) Copyright in the EU Digital Single Market. CEPS Task Force Reports. Dostupno na:
- Schlesinger, P., Uzelac, A., and C. Waelde (2016) The Digital Single Market (vision document). Cultural Base. Dostupno na:
- Shaver, L., Sganga, C. (2009) The Right to Take Part in Cultural Life: Copyright and Human Rights. Faculty Scholarship Series. Paper 23. Dostupno na:
- Smith, Michael D. and Bailey, J. and Brynjolfsson, E. (2001) Understanding Digital Markets: Review and Assesment. MIT Sloan School of Management Working Paper No. 4211-01. Dostupno na SSRN: or
- European Commission (2010) Digital Agenda for Europe. Brussels: EU. Dostupno na:
- European Commission (2015) Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. A Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe. Brussels, COM (2015) 192 final. Dostupno na:
- European Commission (2016) Promoting reading in the digital environment. Report of the working group of EU member states’ experts under the Open Method of Coordination. Dostupno na:
- Gomez, E. and Martens, B. (2015) Language, copyright and geographic segmentation in the EU Digital Single Market for music and film. Digital Economy Working Paper 2015-04. JRC Technical Report. Brussels: European Commission. Dostupno na:
Web izvori
European Commission, CULTURE
European Parliament, Culture and Education Committee
The Center for Arts and Culture:
Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe
Culturelink Network, Network of Networks for Research and Cooperation in Cultural Development:
Culture Action Europe
Media Pluralism Monitor (MPM), Centre for Media Pluralism and Media Freedom (CMPF)