The conference gathered eminent cultural policy researchers, cultural professionals, cultural civil society representatives, policy-makers, students and young professionals from Europe and Croatia. We are sharing with you the participants reflections on the event or some of its sessions.
We are sharing with you the participant reflection Perspectives for European Cultural Policy by Marjo Mäenpää, director of Center for Cultural Policy Research Cupore in the Foundation for Cultural Policy Research, on the international conference Perspectives of national cultural policies development in the EU context: critical dialogues which took place in Zagreb, Croatia from 17 till 19 May 2017.
Mario Kikaš, a cultural worker from Zagreb, shares his reflections on the first panel discussion The crisis in/of European Union and cultural policies – how to achieve sustainable cultural development? and the introductory keynote lecture Croatian cultural policy: purviews of the key strategic documents and a view of the future held within the international conference Perspectives of national cultural policies development in the EU context: critical dialogues.
We are sharing with you the participant reflection by Davor Mišković, Director of the non-profit organisation Drugo more, on the second panel discussion National cultural policies in need of vision, innovation and leadership held on 19 May 2017.
Ana Letunić, a contemporary performing arts producer, curator and cultural policy researcher, shares her reflection on the session Strategies and tendencies of local cultural development in Europe: the role and impact of European Capital of Culture project held on 18 May 2017.
Igor Mavrin, an independent researcher and consultant in the field of cultural policies and management and an external associate at the Department of Cultural Studies, J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, shares his reflection Cultural evolution: Strategic shift from CCI to wellbeing concept of culture on the international conference Perspectives of national cultural policies development in the EU context: critical dialogues which took place in Zagreb, Croatia from 17 till 19 May 2017.